Definition: Cowherb Seed is the dried ripe seed of Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke (Fam.Caryophyll-aceae).
本品为石竹科植物麦蓝菜 Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke 干种子。
Definition: Cowherb Seed is the dried ripe seed of Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke (Fam.Caryophyll-aceae).
本品为石竹科植物麦蓝菜 Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke 干种子。
Objective: To explore the analgesic and antiphologistic function of Vaccaria Segetalis, called wangbuliuxing in China (the seed of cowherb) as well as its effect on arthritis.