1.No creditable macrofossil record of the Fagaceae exists in the Cretaceous deposits and all the Cretaceous microfossil reports remain equivocal and require further study.
2.(2) the Cretaceous pelite unit had undergone progressively increasing degrees of partial melting with the proximity of the Goat Ranch granodiorite;
3.The study shows that Cretaceous volcanics mainly consist of medium acidic volcanic lava and volcanoclastic rocks, with locally developed basic lava;
4.Abstract :The Cretaceous greenhouse climate and paleoceanography is one of hot topics in the Earth sciences during the past twenty years.
提要: 垩典型“温室”气候和海洋一直是地学界关注焦点之一。
5.Its basement is mainly composed of Paleozoic epimetamorphic rocks and the cover mostly consists of Cretaceous graywacke and organic shale formation,as well as Cenozoic loose elastic accumulations.
6.In both cases, the researchers have evoked scenarios of Cretaceous vicariance, followed by endemic species radiation within Madagascar and subsequent dispersal from Madagascar to other areas.
7.The paleo -geotemperature that Carboniferous went through at geologic history could not be too high and commonly was under120℃.The highest geotemperature occurred at late Cretaceous when la...
8.The basin tectonic model: it is intermont basin during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, developed into faulted-lacustrine basin in Eogene, and evolved into depression in Neogene and Quaternary.