2.JianYang Tangelo,a new citrus hybrid cultivar,originated from a bud mutation of a tangelo cultivar introduced from abroad.
3.The resistance of soybean cultivars to the disease could affect the relationship of soybean frogeye leaf spot.
4.The development of deformation theory, selection and utilization of new cultivars of Y. denudate can be based on these results.
5.Seven carabao mango cultivars or lines and Liuzhou lusong mango (Mangifera indica Linn) were examined with ISSR primers.
Different cultivars showed different exine sculpture and fringes, luminas and verrucate.
7.The compatibility of selfpollination and crosses between cultivars in the same hybrid group or in different hybrid groups was studied in this paper.
8.Abstract: The compatibility of selfpollination and crosses between cultivars in the same hybrid group or in different hybrid groups was studied in this paper.
9.Of four protein fractions, glutelin, globulin and albumin had larger coefficient of variation than prolamin, although their difference in prolamin content was cultivar type dependent;
10.In this study, 26 wheat cultivars (strains) were used as experimental material to study the Changes of limit dextrinase during wheat malt production.
The harvest results on 27 August show that the height, leaf area, and aboveground phytomass of the two cultivars decrease with delayed sowing date.