1.Objective To discuss the application of decompression combined with curettage in the treatment of giantism mural ameloblastoma.
2.Objective The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of dynamical system cutterbar via nasal endoscope for adenoidectomy by mouth and rout curettage of adenoids.
3.Before the treatment, the diagnostic uterine curettage were performed to see whether the pathologic result is the pute hyperplasia of the endometrium or not.
4.Objective: To determine the analgesic effectiveness and safety of propofol anesthesia to perform forcep curettage for pregnant women with 10 13 weeks.
5.Methods: Forcep curettage after anesthesia with propofol intravenous injection (observing group) and that with no method to relieve pain(control group).
6.Conclusions Getting the villi of 45-55 days pregnancy by uterine curettage, we can obtain the chorial trophcytes by trypsin or DNA enzyme digest.
7.A minimally invasive reflective array, tool navigator, and a registered burr were used for localization and deroofing of the lesion, followed by curettage and highspeed burring of the cavity.