1.Myopic views could be potentially damaging for us
2.tried to hush up the damaging details.
3.damaging retaliation for any attempt at pre-emption.
4.The restrictions on the use of the playground are:no fighting, no damaging property.
使用这场地件是:不准打架, 不准损坏设施。
5.entrapped by a skillful interviewer into making a damaging statement;
6.Building the proposed new road would be environmentally damaging.
7.If the brush is furcated or evaginable, it needs to be replaced in case of damaging the tooth-ridge.
8.Seal of Wrath applies to non damaging attacks causing it tobreak Polymorph.
9.It was decided to float the pound because a fixed value was damaging exports.
决定浮动英镑, 因为固定不利于出口贸易。
10."Damaging your opponent immediately after using Maledict is wise because it will deal more bonus damage overall at the 3 ticks."
11.You ought to stop smoking, you know. For one thing, you’re damaging your health, and for another, you can’t afford it!
12.The trees were pruned with a chainsaw and the Court considered that the pruning was excessive, damaging and not in accordance with accepted arboriculture practice.
13.Wash daily with a mild soap and water. Use your hands rather than a facecloth so that you don't risk damaging the skin by rubbing too hard.
14.14 cases were transglottic carcinoma showing extension of mass across ventriculus larynges, narrowing cavity anterior to throat, and damaging cricoid cartilage and spooncartilage.