1.the barbarizing effect of four decades of rock 'n' roll.
2.for over four decades he dressed the royal family.
3.The discovery provides pabulum for the scientific community to ruminate on for decades to come.
4.employees who had notched up decades of faithful service.
5.In the past few decades foreign goods flooded the markets of the developing countries.
6.Drug-resistance of pathogenic bacteria resulting from antibiotics abusage in recent several decades has done great threaten to human health.
7.Over the last few decades it has been a common practice to view the atmosphere from a zonally averaged perspective.
8.English: 288.Over the last few decades it has been a common practice to view the atmosphere from a zonally averaged perspective.
中文: 在过去几十中,从纬向平均角度来研究通常做法。
9.The cause of decrease in class hours of basic curriculums in the last decad and its bad consequence have been analyzed.
10.For six decades the Karen National Union (KNU) has resisted the government in Yangon—inaptly known, these days, as the State Peace and Development Council or SPDC, a brutal junta.
11.A separate American diffusionist school of thought, led by Clark Wissler and Alfred Kroeber (both students of Boas), also arose in the first few decades of the twentieth century.
12.The Shrinking of ChinaFor decades, rail travel in China meant an arduous overnighter in a crowded East German–designed train, riding along a rickety old track.
美国《新闻周刊》11月2日文章,另一个标题“High-speed trains are making China smaller”。