decibels above kilowatt
decibels above kilowatt
decibels above l milliwatt
毫瓦(1毫瓦, 600欧, 即0.775伏为零电平)
The typical lawn mower makes about 90 decibels of noise.
This often limits their ability to truly differentiate their ambience from that of the fashion shop next door, which booms out teenybopper music at alarmingly high decibel levels.
This paper described the basic concept and expressions of the decibel and Neper. It also explained some merits of the calculation rntes and Application ranges of the measuremeut Units.
By now, the din from the corporate celebrants had reached sufficient decibels to muffle our shrieks at a butternut squash and parmesan velouté with the viscous tang of curdled milk.
此刻聚餐团体喧嚣已达到了足够遮盖了我们尖叫, 牛油果碎配上搅在一起巴马臣奶酪屑与颇具手感发酵牛奶。