9.The commander deployed his men along the railway.
100,000 — Members of antiterrorism force expected to be deployed for the Games.
11.The general ordered his men to deploy in order to meet the offensive of the enemy.
12.A Deployer maps roles to security identities (for example principals, and groups) in the operational environment.
13.Other big European allies are deployed in the quietish north of Afghanistan, and reluctant to become involved in the fight in the south.
14.91. The ecological compensation is system design to re-modify the issue of development balance in order to avoid the ecological resources deployed retortion.
15.OK for this project we need 1 system design engineer 1 UI designer 2 programmers 2 software testers 1 deployer and 1 technical writer.
16.Already the component standardizes and is seriated since being applied or used universally may deploy according to needing nimbly can shorten designing and making a period.
17.Next up was Tigerland,in which Farrell,under the direction of Joel Schumacher,played the role of the Texan who deploys an antiestablishment attitude despite possessing the makings of a leader.
18.Tertiary level─treatment for the understressed is the focus, provisions liked counseling, policies formulating will usually be deployed in order to help the distressed get back to work.
19.The team also noted a hinged flap near the base of the wing, called an Alula, which is deployed at right angles to the wing, which may be being used as a air flow-control device.