1.the original dimensions were in imperial measure.
2.the moral dimensions of medical intervention.
3.What are the dimensions of this language laboratory?
4.What are the dimensions of this room?
5.the final dimensions of the pond were 14 ft x 8 ft.
6.their exact dimensions aren't easily measured since they are inconstant.
7.I paced out the dimensions of my new home.
8.The class and function of C subfunction for graphic dimensions mark are elaborated.
9.The dimensions of the difficulty for the hydraulic project have only recently been recognized.
10.Velocity has the dimensions of length divided by time.
11.The color sonagram shows image in three dimensions of time,frequency and intensity.
12.The experimental results indicate that the changes of the dimensions of coth electrodes will markedly influence the removal effect of NO.
13.The drawing method for the double channel impeller is studied.It is found that there is an in-conformity between the dimensions of plane-view and pinacoid-view of fluid cross-section.
14.It constructs the history of Western art history from three dimensions of the form analysis, iconology and situational analysis.Chapter I is an introduction.
15.Note:The mounting dimensions of gear reducer are fitted to the servo motor that you need for ordering informatin.
16.The mechanical status of nutted rod in drawing pipe with short mandrel rod is analyzed, the analysis basis for the dimensions design of nutted rod offered.
17."Based on the Gallardo dimensions, I started to define the main lines in a very marked and steady way, giving the front end taurin forms".
18.X-ray images were formed and shown in colors or in 3 dimensions, and have no distortion at low magnification.Hidden zonate phenomena of a picrite were found.
19.With descending of the main pier s foundation slab and integral moving of pier,not only the navigable dimensions meet the demand,but also the influence on upbound ships is very li.
20.16 Class S; SPACE MODEL -Spacecraft or Aerospacecraft of limited dimensions and limited payload-carrying capability, unable to carry a human being or commercial payloads.