They work antagonistically with ABSCISIC ACID, and in some situations work cooperativedly with AUXINS as, for example, in the control of sex expression in dioecious plants.
They work antagonistically with ABSCISIC ACID, and in some situations work cooperativedly with AUXINS as, for example, in the control of sex expression in dioecious plants.
Shrubs, trees, rarely scandent, evergreen, usually dioecious or sometimes monoclinous or andromonoecious.
"blazing star:a rhizomatous dioecious herb (Chamaelirium luteum) in the lily family, having long racemes of small flowers."
Inflorescences corymbiform-umbellate, many flowered, bracteate.Flowers bisexual or unisexual (plants hermaphroditic, dioecious, or rarely gynodioecious), male ones unequally 5-merous;