3.The distributor has a lock on most of the market.
4.the exclusive distributor for these goods
5.a distributor for Hewlett-Packard Co
6.You can get the book through your local distributor.
7.the company has signed a boatload of distributors for the new product.
8.The structural models of many kinds of liquid and gas distributors are mainlyd escribed.
9.We have been appointed sole UK distributor of a number of Hungarian wines.
10.The troubles with liquid distributor in distillation tower in oxozone production are analyzed. Improving measures are put forward.
11.Train the distributors sales force in field visit routines, promotions and collection of outstandings, justification of Castrol price structure.
12.I am the Secretary for Germany Blaupunkt BLUECHIP total waterproof building materials distributor in China, Germany franchised BLUECHIP Sapphire Series Waterproof Products.
13.Presents British AMV ammonia process, the operation of Secondary reformer with natural gas as the feed,air distributor and fractory lining damage and their repair.
14.In order to avoid market disruption caused by prizefight bettween sales distributor, which will be harmful to both of us, we would not appoint too many distributors.
15.Meanwhile, it sets up general agency and distributor in the whole country, and also subagency in domestic 25 provinces, builds up a complete set of sales network.
16.Several patent techniques of Tsinghua University, tubular distributor and trictum structure, were adopted to improve the distribution of mix gas and fluidized state in fluidized bed reactor.
17.With two branches in Italy and official distributors in many other countries around the world,Goboservice has produced gobos for over 10,000 different brands, logos, advertisements and other images.