Like a swallow and a crane, so I twitter; Like a dove, I mourn; My eyes look languishingly above; O Lord, I am oppressed; be my surety.
12.Salomone radunò carri e cavalieri, ed ebbe mille quattrocento carri e dodicimila cavalieri, che stanziò nelle città dove teneva i carri, e presso il re a Gerusalemme.
耶华 神啊,现在求你实现你向我的父亲大卫应许的话;因你立了我王统治这好像地上的尘土那么多的人民。
13.This paper mainly discusses subjects such asprocessing,technology of pole coil wind ing,forming,manufacturing lead,punching,dove-tail groove,insulating,heat pr essing,encircling slot,etc.