4.full-sized washer/dryers are replacing stacked units.
5.The low price of the clothes dryer redeems its lack of special features.
6.I need a Hammermill,Rotary Drum Dryer,Cooler and Pelletizers and all relevant equipment to have a plant that can produce this amount.
我需要一个锤磨,旋筒干燥 ,冷却器和造球以及所有的相关设备以使这个工厂具备上述产量的生产能力。
7.The disk of dryer is designed as hollow inclined tray for increasing heat transfer rate and effect of churn maximatily.
8.Biotron, Inc manufactures a wide range of standard and configure-toorder laboratory, research and production-scale fermentation systems. freeze dryer, speed vacuum concentrator and centrifuges.
9.The unit is used to realize the airflow conveying of granulated resin by means of the technology of low vacuum,It can be used with a hopper dryer to automatize dry material-supplying.
10.The unit is used to realized the airflow conveying of granulated resign ny mens of the technology of low vacuum.It can be used with a hopper dryer to automatize dry material-supplying.
11.Shutters, Mirrored Backsplash,Granite Counter Top In Kit,Marble Top In Master Ens.2Parkings In Tandem.
12.Men also have hair dryers and, if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
14.Most guest rooms offer private bathrooms with bathtub or shower, and all accommodations feature cable TV, wireless Internet access, radio, telephone, hair dryer and a writing desk.
双人间 Hotel Restaurant Rappen has 20 guest rooms, each beautifully furnished in Black Forest-style, making it the ideal place to enjoy your stay in Freiburg.