2.d.Focal dysfunction of pallium: Such as aphasia, blindness, agraphia, acalculia, etc. or secondary epilepsy.
3.The National Dysautonomia Research Foundation provides information about this dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.
4.No patients developed retinoblastoma metastasis, pinealoblastoma, secondary tumor (leukemia), dysfunction of hepatic, renal or auditory.
5.Coenzyme medicine can be used to cure acute craniocerebral injury and dysfunction of consciousness after cerebric surgery.
6.Objective To appraise operative and synthesize treatment effect in the elderly ptients with heavy choledochitis combined multiple organ dysfunction(MOD).
7.infection of urinary tract, urinary retention, nocturnal enuresis.Irregular menstruation, hysteroptosis, male sexual dysfunction, pelvic infection.
尿路感染, 尿潴留, 遗尿, 月经不调, 子宫脱垂, 男能障碍, 盆腔炎.
8.Objective:To discuss incidence,clinical significance and result of bradycardic dysfunction of sinoatrial node in inferior wall acute myocardial infarction(AMI).
9.It is caused in part by prolonged hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and results in dysfunction of one or both tibial nerves and a plantigrade stance (down on the hocks).
10.Deep phlebothrombosis was found in 6 of the 10 cases who were performed color Doppler ultrasonography on the lower extremity while valve dysfunction was found in one case.
11.Results:The regressive valvulopathy was misdiagnosed easy as rheumatic heat disease,regressive valvulopathy infectious,endocarditis dysfunction and rupture of papillary muscle ect.
12.Result Causes of dysfunction of PICC included staxis around stoma(38.4%),catheter blockage(26.0%),catheter displacement(13.7%),catheter defluxion(9.6%),extubation(8.2%) and local infection(4.1%).