- Planting some aquaplants such as aloe and eelgrass in the built marsh land and use its denitrification and phosphorus removal function to strengthen the purifying of Suzhou river water by its.
·人工湿地内种植芦苇、苦等水生植物,利用其能有 效脱氮除磷的功能,强化苏州河水的净化效果;
- Planting some aquaplants such as aloe and eelgrass in the built marsh land and use its denitrification and phosphorus removal function to strengthen the purifying of Suzhou river water by its.
·人工湿地内种植芦苇、苦等水生植物,利用其能有 效脱氮除磷的功能,强化苏州河水的净化效果;