2.black-and-white drumfish with an erect elongated dorsal fin.
3.he is tall with an elongated, finely made face.
4.she can sing—notes are elongated and given fullness without a quiver.
5.embryonic axes Primitive differentiation of the embryo?; an elongate thickening of blastodermal tissue.
6.mesopterygium The median, elongated basal cartilage of the pectoral fins in Elasmobranchii, Holocephali and primitive Teleostomi.
7.This picture that you've sketched isn't like her. The face is too elongated.
8.Seeds began to germinate after two weeks.Radicles elongated out of the micropylar end of the soft endopleura-formed germ-tube-like organ and then elongated gradually.
9.It is a tiny joyrider from the rubble stream surrounding the solar system that broke free and orbits the sun in a tilted, elongated orbit.
10.Body elongated or anguilliform covered with thick bonelike rhombic scales sheathed with ganoin.
11.Methods The extirpation operation for orbital plexiform venous hemangioma were performed for 2 cases by elongate lateral canthotomy combined conjunctivotomy.
12.The male shows elongated rays in its anal fin and yellow pearl organs on the jaws and opercula during breeding season.
13.pterotic horn or process On the neurocranium, elongated posterior projections of the sphenopterotic ridges of the otic capsules.
14.With certain shapes of or canula, elongated caps are made to cover both canula and threaded portion, and seal the canula at its top.
15.any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes;
16.vexillifer larva An elongate, planktonic, pre-adult stage of most, perhaps all, Carapidae characterized by a long, filamentous, usually ornamented dorsal appendage, the vexillum.
17.leptocephalus The elongate highly compressed transparent, ribbon-like and pelagic larval stage of some primitive teleost fishes such as the tarpon, bonefish and eels. leptocephali (plural).
18.Crystal habit: prismatic crystals elongated on c, often flattened on {100} with deep vertical striations, also can be acicular or in cleavable masses.
19.On hairy leaves, nymphs and pupae are often small with elongated dorsal setae, their margins are crenelated and sometimes indented deeply.
20.A deciduous North American tree(Prunus serotina) having drooping, elongate clusters of white flowers and blackish, somewhat poisonous fruits.