4.blood,amnionic fluid,embryonic membrance during the childbirth;lochia after the post partum;
5.But the development of thoracoscopic surgery wasn t smoothly, oppositely, it underwent the stage of embryonic, awane and flourishing.
6.In addition, the expression of GPR78 displayed the levels in tendency to decrease from telencephalon to metencephalon during embryonic period.
7.Polythelia and polymastia usually occur along the embryonic milk lines extending from the axilla to the groin.
8.teratogen A chemical substance that can cause alterations in developing cells at the embryonic stage of development.
9.Methods Separate the embryonic fibroblast of mice and culture with the method of suspension culture and method of trypsinization.
10.embryonic axes Primitive differentiation of the embryo?; an elongate thickening of blastodermal tissue.
11.Previous work from our laboratory reported that aggressive melanoma and breast carcinoma express the embryonic morphogen Nodal, which is essential for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) pluripotency.
12.Methods Morulae of four mutation hairless mice and one cataract mouse were transplanted into uterus using embryonic transfer method.
13.blastula Stage in embryonic development which represents the final product of cleavage stages, characterized by formation of the blastocoel.
14.vegetal pole Opposite to the animal pole on the egg. Later in embryonic development corresponds to the point on the yolk cell furthest from the developing blastodisc.
15.Embryonic stem cells have been the focus in tissue engin eering,dev elopmental biology,drug development and gene research.
16.Except for religious fanatics and those ignorant of the process of embryonic development, nobody would believe that an undivided, feelingless glob of a cell is a person.
17.Influence of thermal and hydric environments on incubating eggs, embryonic use of energy and hatchling characteristics were studied in a colubrid snake, Xenochrophis piscator.
18.Pregnancy is unfavorable apolaustic sexual life is gravid in 3 months, placenta has not been formed completely, embryonic organization is returned on adherent Yu Gongbi not quite firm, ..
19.Conclusion The N-GSLs in human embryonic kidney tissue seemed to be closely related to the growth and differentiation of the cell, and globoside may be the marker of normal kidney tissue.
结论 中性糖脂参与了胎肾组织的成熟与分化过程,中性糖脂中长糖链红细胞糖苷脂与肾组织的恶变可能有关。
20.The embryonic duct of the mesonephros, which in the male becomes the vas deferens and in both sexes gives rise to the ureter.