2.Jane, though born in California, feels emphatically English.
3.This paper studied emphatically the heat steadiness of naphthaline and compatibility of naphthaline with carbon steel.
4.The movements of the prowler were observable from the window. What ismarked is emphatically evident:
从窗户那很容易意到来回走动的徘徊者。 Marked 形容的格外地意的事物:
5.The scene of this painting contains plentiful storylines.Firstly,the artist depicted emphatically the caressing relation of the crummie to her child.
6.Its setting is emphatically antipodean and so, too, are its voices: eight characters drawn from Melbourne's polyglot middle classes.
7.two tech-nologies,hydroearbylation to produce ethylbenzene and carbonylation to propionic aldehyde and pro-pionic acid, are emphatically evaluated.
8.In this paper,the theoretical deferrization principle of the new technology by phosphate describes emphatically the mechanism of removing iron and research achievements is present...
9.Firstly,the artist depicted emphatically the caressing relation of the crummie to her child.The foregoing crummie looks back to the calf,walking hesitantly and presenting a thoughtful bearing.
10.In judge"s management part, the article investigated emphatically centrical judge"s tenure of office, systems of rewarding and punishing and prohibiting calling on etc.