1.We should encode the message for security reasons.
2.The malate permease, encoded by mleP gene, is important for assisting malolactic fermentation (MLF).
(2) encode the data and address of the program code to prevent the operation of dissembler;
4.The motion picture on the videodisk is encoded as frequency modulation, and the audio signal is mixed with the video signal.
5.Leptin is one endogenous excitatory autacoid, encoded by obese gene and secreted by adipose cells.
6.A string which opaquely encodes various aspects about a machine's operating system, hardware, and kernel attributes.
7.But many primates, including humans, hae a third photopigment, encoded by a second gene on the X chromosome.
8.The video packet encoded by block-based prediction encoding standard is very resistless to transmission over the packet-switched network and Internet.
9.enciphering the encoded and grouped voice coder information bits with grouped cipher and safe cipher key;
10.Homeodomain proteins encoded by mating type genes in A locus are highly conserved among plant, animal and fungi.
11.When this level of detail is needed, each component of the HL7 data type can be encoded as a separate subcomponent.
12.Step4.Carry on encodes, mutation , decodes operation with probability Pm to each individual in subgeneration population, and put all the parent and offspring into the subgeneration population;
13.Choose two individuals in the population with probability Pc ,and carry on encodes , crossover, decodes operation, put all the parent and offspring into the subgeneration population;
14.Defensin,existing in the right arm of the second chromosome of drosophila melanogaster,encodes a product which possesses an anti-bacterial peptide activity and resists Gram-positive bacteria.
15.The mating type genes in A loci encode two kinds of highly conserved homeodomain containing protein, which play important roles in A dependent development by the formation of protein heterodimer.