2.MRI enhancement scanning found abnormally diffused piamater enhancement in 3 cases.
3.some 30 multifarious enhancement programmes
4.The lipotropic effect of threonine and lysine might result from their enhancement of fatty acid oxidation activityin liver mitochondria.
5.Enhancement brachium tricep and deltoid muscle: Lying face downward, right hand griping dumb bells and raising up.
6.+ Biodiesel enhancements: Fixed physical properties of triolein and added interaction parameters for triolein + water.
生物柴油的: 修复了三油酸甘油酯的物性,增加了三油酸甘油酯和水的二元交互参数。
7.The typical enhancement patterns of SHCC in the arterialphase, portal venous-phase and delayed phase scan of spiral CT were hyper-hypo-hypodense and hyperdense, isodense and hypodense.
8.The fluorescence spectra of the system after the CL reaction and the CL spectra of the lucigenin system were studied.The possible mechanisms for CL enhancement and inhibition have been proposed.
9.Based on the theoretical analysis, the electrohydrodynamics (EHD) enhancement of condensation heat transfer inside vertical tube for five representative electrodes were investigated.
10.Quadridentate titanium was detected at the low temperature heat-treated samples.But with the crystallization temperature enhancement, quadridentate titanium disappeared and MAT phase appeared.