6.the Krakatoa eruption was the most lethal on record.
7.successive eruptions of lava from volcanic cones.
8.volcanic eruptions spread dust high into the stratosphere.
9.The extinct volcano’s eruption would mean a cataclysm for the city.
10.There have been several volcanic eruptions this year.
11.a submarine eruption will be much more explosive than its terrestrial counterpart.
12.the violent eruption killed 1,700 people.
猛烈的爆致使1,700 人死亡。
13.The temple was destroyed in the violent eruption of 1470 BC.
庙宇在公元前1470 年猛烈的爆中摧毁了。
14.The eruptions were associated with the development of a number of giant craters (calderas).
15.As this plate continues to subduct or dive beneath the plate next to it, more eruptions will undoubtedly occur...
16.A trend of thought ascribes the Bushveld Complex to eruption from more than one center.
17.But some say there is a small chance that the effect could bring about another limnic eruption and put lives at risk.
18.5) The upper subphase of flood eruption phase and the hot detrital flow subphase of the explosive phase are proposed as the most favorable reservoir phase trends;
19.It is characterized by tiny, monomorphous, papular eruptions around the mouth, nose and eyes.Extra-facial lesions in children had also been reported.
20.In March 2007 a mud flow, or "lahar" flowed down the side of the mountain after the crater lake overflowed, and large eruptions in 1995 and 1996 blanketed the surrounding area in ash.