5.the puritan ethic was being replaced by the hedonist ethic.
6.the kind of ethic that monumentalizes the glory of a hero.
7.the notion of noblesse oblige was part of the ethic of the country gentleman.
8.Last, but certainly not least, are the issues of stewardship and ethics.
9.But they spoke in accord to morals and ethics and their deeds in circumspection.
10.wrote an ethics code as a road map for the behavior of elected officials.
11.The ethics of his profession don’t permit him to do that.
12.A more telling criticism is that he reduces ethics to interpersonal relationships.
13.the king can take double ethic level to away from the astrict of the morality for supporting his own powr and profit.
14... edited with a biographical introduction, by Edward Caird ... with a portrait.
书名/者 Lectures and essays on natural theology and ethics,by William Wallace .
15.The second is Comprehensive Education, including Literae Humaniores, History and Demotics, for instance, Business Ethic is one of the most important courses.
16.As a globate economic activity, globate integration of economics must be supported by economic ethics and demands every state would abide by economic ethical standards.
17.It brings out that the plight about choose live or death in life ethic of iatrology is a special probable and impuissant condition which can be settled by compreh...
18.This transcendence is in his view the ground of ethics, of a fundamental and indeclinable responsibility for the Other person that precedes every ontology.
19.The adjustment of Medical ethics on ART are affected through ethical regulation,exampling, leading, educating etc.
20.In profound terms,the reason why the present medical ethic and ethos deteriorate is that the demand of subsidiary positions slips into the pleonexia of negative positions.