6.love that transcends infatuation.See Synonyms at excel
比痴迷还甚爱情参见 excel
7.exceeded their authority.See Synonyms at excel
超越了他们权力参见 excel
8.She excels in stage projection .
9.He excels in multiple-choice questions.
10.Fransis excels as a long-distance runner.
11.The new model of locamotives vastly excels the old one in performance.
12.If your talent combines with diligence, you can excel in your pursuit.
如果你把天赋与勤奋结合起来, 你所事业便会出类拔萃。
13.He excels all other composers of his period.
14.excels at figure skating) or to be or perform at a level higher than that of another or others (
长花样滑冰) 或者是处于或表现出比另一个或其他人高水平(
15.Great art transcends mere rules of composition. Tooutdo is to excel in doing or performing:
伟大艺术超越了创作规则。 Outdo 意味着行动或实行上胜:
16.The keyboard provides instant access to MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Calander service.
17.When he that has given no provocation to malice, but by attempting to excel in some useful art, finds himself pursued by multitudes whom he never saw with implacability of personal resentment;