5."There were 10 people in the lawyer's office, excluding the office boy."
6.The shop is open seven days a week excluding Christmas Day.
本商店每周七天营业, 圣外。
7."The train has eightenn cars, excluding the baggage and mail ones."
8.The insurance policy covers your house against all types of damage, excluding those caused by acts of God.
9.Experimental results show that the pull of a singe track shoe is approximately between the two theoretical values including and excluding grouser effect.
10.juvenile stage Young fish, fundamentally like the adult in meristic characters (excluding scalation) but smaller and reproductively inactive.
11.Category 2: tatting cotton cloth, excluding etamine, loop, pile nap, tulle and other cotton cloths of woven mesh fabric;
Category 2: tatting cotton cloth, excluding etamine, loop, pile nap, tulle and other cotton cloths of woven mesh fabric;