Based on Gauss optics,the theory of afocal zoom expander is analyzed,a afocal zoom expander is designed and successfully applied.
Based on Gauss optics,the theory of afocal zoom expander is analyzed,a afocal zoom expander is designed and successfully applied.
The organic working fluids bicirculating screw expander power generation technology of surplus heat recovery is just a new energy recovery technology.
The effect of organic expanders including humus acid, lignin,vio-lanthrone and isoviolanthrone on the performances of the lead-acid battery are described.
The condensing cleaners of Solvay refrigerator cryopump developed at SWIP are presented,and the modified Solvay two stages expander and the design and the features of the cryopump are also introduced.
Rapeseed dehuller, twin-screw press and expander were assembled to a new process for double-low rapeseed.The technical and economic feasibility of the new process were analyzed.
Methods: Twenty-seven tissue expanders were inserted in 14 children (age range: 1.5 to 15 years) of pigmented naevi, h emangioma and scar tissue with exteriorization of the injection port.