3.This ship was designed expressly for exploring the Arctic waters.
4.the duo spent much of the eighties exploring the lonely outer reaches of miserabilism.
5.deconstruction is interested in exploring language and revealing self-contradiction and instability.
6.Silicify or silicified rock is one more efficacious sign for exploring mine in Xikuangshan antimony deposit.
7.The theory for exploring the moon time after time through double lunar swingby is analyzed at first.
8.The way of exploring tumulus was vivid, the history of Sanguo and all these unbelievable things got their own reasons.
9.Put forword vastitude exploring foreground of lathyrus sativus and some expectation in food process industry.
10.The effects of applying the Diploe-Dipole Array to exploring karst cavities in the railway subgrade are demonstrated in this paper.
11.Whereupon he chucked the whole bushiness and shipped to the South Seas on the famous exploring ship—Beagle.
12.Van Cauter is exploring the idea that insufficient sleep may be partly behind the obesity epidemic in the United States,
13.Exploring diversifying and effective schema to prevent and cure contagious diseases of Laryngology, such as diphtheria and scarlet fever;
14.We tried to direct undergraduates to carry out the originative exploring experiment after giving instruction in experimental design.
15.According to Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark, it was first described by Dr.Ernest Bartels while exploring the Salak Mountains on the island of Java.
16.Further more, the technical efficiency was suppressed by the advantage of resources in this area, strategy of exploring resources incumber the economy in the long run.
17.After studying the mental mechanism of language source and evolution through exploring the "past" of anthropogenesis and its development, we can grasp the process of language evolution.
18.It may also be referred to as "draining" (when exploring drains) "urban spelunking", "urban caving", or "building hacking".
19.In general, the results mentioned above have matched the objectives as planed and would be useful for exploring the directional process design approach of bioseparation technology.