2.the people of Caesarea faulted greatly when they called King Herod a god.
3.Seismicity can damage the stability of delta front and form liquefied fluxoturbidite and faulted fluxoturbidite.
4.This is the formula for a thick vertically faulted slab with such a large throw that the downthrow side makes no contribution to the gravitational force .
5.The faulted structure,hydrothermal alteration,gossan,geophysical-geochemical exploration anomalies are comprehensive ore-hunting indicators.
6.Baiyinchagan depression is part of downwarping faulted rift basin developed on XingmengHercynian multicycle and collision fold basement in late Mesozoic.
7.Coal-bearing strata belong to Middle-Lower Jurassic Series Jiangcang Formation,coal-forming environment was Mesozoic faulted basin fluviolacustrine,bog facies.
8.The basin tectonic model: it is intermont basin during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, developed into faulted-lacustrine basin in Eogene, and evolved into depression in Neogene and Quaternary.