2.asked the students for feedback on the new curriculum.
3.The more feedback we get from viewers, the better.
4.Using the LMI technique,a sufficient condition to state feedback stabilizability is derived and a design algorithm of state feedback stabilizing controllers is presented.
5.For example, lack of performance feedback, the distempered system of performance appraisal, and unclear performance standard.
6.Feedback inhibition The inhibition of the activity of an enzyme (often the first) in a multienzyme reaction sequence by the product of that sequence.
7.Confirm the check-in result in SAP for shippable items, feedback to Order Manager for delivery arrangement.
8.This feedback effect jointly determines the optimal contract, the propensity of market manipulation and price informativeness.
9.The process is essentially dynamic with ideas and feedback flowing both ways.
10.Jokes for 18+? It's not easy to find humorous and erotical jokes, I'll try, but the feedbacks from you guys are very important.
11.Virtual haptical system is a circulate feedback closed loop, including bidirectional information transfer between virtual and really environment.
12.The positive serial correlation caused by nonsynchronous trading and nonsymmetry of feedback trading are also considered in the model.
13.In this paper, we study the minimum-weight feedback vertex set problem in outerplanar graphs and present a linear time algorithm to solve it.
14.This study describes the application of the feedback linearization neural networks, known from neural network computing, to the problem of gradient preemphasis.
15.The result shows that CJD alternating current electrodynamometer has simple structure and the energy feedback efficiency can reach 74%, with outstanding energy-saving effect, good control stability.
16.Taken together, these results suggest that FFC and the exosome are part of a posttranscriptional negative feedback loop that regulates frq transcript levels and the circadian output pathway.