7.Telling the story was a flagrant breach of trust.
8.Jordan, of all people, committed a flagrant foul.
9.a blatant attempt to whitewash his country's misdeeds.Flagrant,
10.The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.
11.a flagrant miscarriage of justice; flagrant cases of wrongdoing at the highest levels of government.See Usage Note at blatant
可耻审判不公;政府最高阶层罪恶勾当参见 blatant
12.She failed to appear for the rehearsal, in flagrant violation of her contract.
13.in flagrant disregard of the law. What isglaring is blatantly and painfully manifest:
明目张胆地置法律于不顾。 Glaring 事物表现得明显而使人疼痛:
14.was subjected to outrageous cruelty. What isflagrant is glaringly or scandalously reprehensible:
被残酷地对待。 Flagrant 指事物是明显或可耻地该当责难:
15.an instance of flagrant corruption. Acase is an action, an occurrence, or a condition that constitutes a specific instance of something being discussed, decided, or treated: