3.he unscrewed the top of the flask and drank the contents.
4.he hotted up the flask in Daisy's hand.
5.He took a swig of whisky from his hip flask.
6.He began skiing as a child in the Cairngorm mountains, in central Scotland, and even remembers taking home a Thermos flask of snow as a souvenir.
7.Conceptacle A flask-shaped reproductive cavity that develops on the swollen tips (receptacles) of the thalli of certain brown algae;
8.The experiment for optimization of the Flavomycin fermentation medium was carried out with the design of the rotation-regression-orthogonal combination under the shaking flask condition.
9.This paper introduces a simple semimicro-distillation apparatus,In this apparstus,a three-necked flask is used as steam generator.
10.Among the artifacts, were ceramic pottery, glass flasks, and a soup-plate-sized glass bowl of millefiori design.
11.The biotechnology of flask batch and fed-batch culture to produce yeast from cornhusk hydrolysate was studied and the fed -batch process in 10L bioreactor was conducted.