1.this psychohistory of postmodernity focuses on the changing image of California.
2.This part focuses on disclosing the possibility of the application of esthete.
3.The show focuses on making fun of politicians.
4.the research focuses on an unexplored theme in European history.
5.The first volume focuses on the study of Haoran and Poem Ousia Study.
6.Thermal vs Visual Minutiae.Another IRID approach focuses on the correlation between IR and visual facial imagery.
7.Its comprehensive coverage focuses on passivation (repassivation and depassivation) techniques with austenitic stainless steels.
8.Software design is actually a multistep process that focuses on three distinct attributes of the program: data structure, software architecture, and pro-caesural detail.
传统生命周期范例在软件 工程中是最早也是应用得最广泛。
9.This paper focuses on the design method of firtree tenon/mortise, the three-tooth firtree joint model is established with parametric method by UG software.
10.Customer tagmeme management is a kind of business strategy,which focuses on understanding and managing present and potential customer's requirements.
11.The thesis focuses on analysis and design of the anthropopathic mechanical arms' shoulder joint based on the spherical 3-DOF parallel manipulator.
12.Subtitle D of the Act is dedicated to nonhazardous solid waste requirements, while Subtitle C focuses on hazardous solid waste.
13.The article focuses on quantity analysis, discussion of using constant quantity instrument to do semimicro chemical analysis experiment.
14.The present work focuses on the microscopic elastoplasticity deformation andoverall elastoplastic behaviour of metal matrix composites reinforced by short fibers.
15.The study of indirect evidence focuses on morphometry analysis and snowline reconstruction based on the palaeoclimate.
间接证据研究方法很多,一般多赖地貌调查、地貌几何特性分 析和以古气候资讯为基础雪线重建。
16.For the trading business, the company focuses on non-ferrous metals such as copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, kirksite,Zinc Concentrate,etc.
17.Hematoma under envelop of liver and spleen: 15 cases represented same or low density lunular focuses lying the edge of liver and spleen, some fresh hematoma represented high density.
18.This article focuses on the working principle of inkle loom mechanism and takes certain kind of shoestring as anexample to explain the logon chart and the way to plait the dobby chain.
19.In addition, the paper for beating degree, firmness and filling, sizing, and so on, with the crimpness, self-crimping to marketizing of paper also focuses on the papermakig process.
20.This paper focuses on the relationship between an kind of archetype named shadow and social institutions, through Jung's archetypal theory and Erich Fromm's human destructivity theory.