2.Soupbean, vera sans yuanti seems to be a combination of many fonts, some of the fonts have copyrights.
3.font_get_fontname(ind) Returns the fontname of the font with the given index.
4.Solution: the first is to install the required font, and the second in the "open a document PANOSE font matching results dialog box, select a font and the font of the similar temporary replacement.
5.On the dot array mongline font we have vectorize it with VC + + .
6.This printer lets you toggle between one font and another.
7.Try not to bold fonts: print, can not bold,-as-possible without blackbody do not need to innovativeink or Leady oxide.
8.The use of the common dialog control in VB5/6 allowes the programer to easly give the user the ability to change font characterists.
9.<FONT face=Verdana>]AIM: To explore the changes of myocardial energy metabolism and adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) activity in mitochondria in rats exposed to hypoxia.