4.The polymorphy of fronds and chromosome number of Ophioglossum petiolatum Hook.
5.fern fronds uncurling in the spring air.
6.The apical cell and basal cell act as the ancestor cells of frond and rhizoid.
7.Characteristics: Terrestrial ferns; stipes tuft, backlish at base; young fronds pinnaye with wider pinnae, when getting older, the fronds become bipinnate or tripinnatifid with slender pinnules.
8.A fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris) of northern temperate regions, having long plumelike fronds that form a crown.
9.tree ferns of temperate Australasia having bipinnatifid or tripinnatifid fronds and usually marginal sori; in some classification systems placed in family Cyatheaceae.