2.fragments of lava hit the ground, fuming and sizzling.
3.he is fuming over the interference in his work.
4.The freighter was fuming thick black smoke and ready for departure.
5."'Was the boss angry?' 'Yes, he was really fuming.'"
6.By fuming with sulfuric-phosphoric acid mixture the residual hydrofluoride was then expelled,and boron was finally determined by curcumin spectrophotometry after distillation.
7.a colorless; pungent fuming vesicatory liquid acid HCOOH found in ants and many plants; used in finishing textiles.
8.dimethylbenzoyl) benzoic acid separately carries on dehydration with gathers the phosphoric acid,the strong sulfuric acid,the fuming sulfuric acid and so on to synthesize 1,4-dimethyl anthraquinones.