1.agamous Not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction.
2.Shows a ruby gamet colour with lots of raspbrry and red cherry fruit with great balance.
3.Gametangium (pl. gametangia) A cell or organ in which sexual cells (gametes) are produced.
4.Cryptogam In early classifications, any plant that reproduces by spores or gametes rather than by seeds.
5.Style:Beautiful red-gamet color,fruity bouquet dominated by grades of small and ripe black fruits,very elegant in the mouth,soft and mellow tannins.
6.Individuals crossing exclusively within the same population produce more progeny than those crossing in both directions and thereby use up some of their gametes for the production of inviable hybrids.
7.Undulipodium (pl. undulipodia) A whiplike organelle that protrudes from a eukaryotic cell and is used chiefly for locomotion (e.g. motile gametes) or feeding (e.g. ciliate protoctists).
8.cystozygote General term for a zygote that has encysted immediately after fusion of gametes in syngamy; such a zygote is found in various groups of flagellates and sporozoa.