1.That genal genome may lead to better treatment and control of diseaesthe disease.
2.Chapter 1: Recent progress on squamate mitochondrial genome was reviewed.
3.Here we present the first genome-wide, single-base-resolution maps of methylated cytosines in a mammalian genome, from both human embryon...
摘要: DNA cytosine methylation is a central epigenetic modification that has essential roles in cellular processes including genome regulation, development and disease.
4.Epigenome literally means "above the genome." It is a molecular marking system that controls gene expression without altering the DNA sequence.In a sense, the epigenome is the genome's boss.
6.Cloning is the process that an offspring which has the same genomes with matriline is procreated by using agamogenesis technology.And Cloning technology is an important technology in life science.
7.Microsatellite marker has many advantages such as a great quantity, extensive dispersion around the genome, high polyomorphism, Mendelian codominant inheritance, rapid and convenient detection.
8.In the present study, by using data generated from hundreds of mtDNA sequences, we revalue the deuterostome phylogeny in terms of whole mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes).
9.In contrast to homoploid hybrid species,polyploid species are easily diagnosed because of chromosome number changes associated with genome doubling.
10.About 98.5% of the human genome has been designated as "junk", including most sequences within introns and most intergenic DNA.
11.The idea that a lack of methyl on the DNA can lead to human cancer is still just a hypothesis, and in any case oncologists have no drugs that can correct genome-wide undermethylation.
The idea that a lack of methyl on the DNA can lead to human cancer is still just a hypothesis, and in any case oncologists have no drugs that can correct genome-wide undermethylation.
13.The work includes: 1.Introduced the concept of Dynamic ACA model to handle the huge solution space inherent in traditional ACA model for Unoriented Genome rearrangements. 2.
14.NUMBER OF ANTIVIRALS on sale and under study operate after uncoating, when the viral genome, which can take the form of DNA or RNA, is freed for copying and directing the production of viral proteins.