7.You can kiss your degree goodbye, if you don't work hard.
如果你不更加努力, 你就别指望拿到学位了。
8.You can kiss goodbye to a holiday this year—we've no money!
9.They yelled their goodbyes when the bus left.
汽车开动时, 他大喊再见。
10.A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye.
11.We shall see his boat and then we shall say goodbye to him.
12.After this letter from the bank, we can kiss goodbye to our holiday in Australia.
13.Sensing that he had outstayed his welcome, he quickly said his goodbyes and left.
14.You’ll have to say goodbye to your chances of becoming a doctor if you don’t pass the exams.
15.Yesterday, Hangzhou said goodbye to the long lasting rainy days, and Scenic Lingfeng is decorated rosily by plum flowers in full blossom.
16.In a tearstained scene at the Las Vegas airport, Angelina says goodbye to George and walks to the plane to join Jack Black for the trip back to Moscow.