11.stood in a graceful attitude.See Synonyms at posture
以姿势站立参见 posture
12.He admired the graceful, supple movements of the dancers.
13.The stairs in the Five-Star hotel ascend in a graceful curve.
14.The tall graceful form of a woman appeared at the top of the stairs.
15.Her apology was so graceful that we forgave her.
她道歉很得体, 我们只好原谅了她。
16.her carriage was graceful, her movements quick and deft.
17.His refusal was worded in such a graceful way that we could not be offended.
婉言谢绝, 无损于我们颜面。
18.Although of war and natural calamities everywhere asecene of devastation met the eye, you can still differentiate and analyze its hesternal charming and graceful bearing.
19.It offers feminine, perfumed fruit in the graceful, finessed expression typical of the Barolos of La Morra.
20.an easy lilting stride; the flute broke into a light lilting air; a swinging pace; a graceful swingy walk; a tripping singing measure.