6.the local grande dame for whom George had a tendresse.
7.he succeeds in reducing his grandees to due obedience.
8.Il Signore dà un ordine: le messaggere di buone novelle sono una grande schiera.
9.On another night like this, as we were crossing the Cienaga Grande, Papalelo left me asleep in the cabin and went to the bar.
10.Predica la Parola, insisti a tempo e fuor di tempo, riprendi, sgrida, esorta con grande pazienza e sempre istruendo.
11.Precursor to the great galleon of later centuries, the Grande Carrack is a superior version of the Carrack, used in the late 15th century and early 16th century.
12.Modell: Extra Fort Roue a Colonnes Grande Date UVP: Aktueller vom Hersteller empfo...
成色 0 (崭新);赤金;自动上弦;新;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 德国, Stuttgart;
13.Rallegratevi in quel giorno e saltate di letizia perché, ecco, il vostro premio è grande ne’ cieli;poiché i padri loro facean lo stesso a’ profeti.
14.By 1708, he became a musicianto the king of France, in the king's 'Grande Écurie, and in 1717, heinherited René Pignon Descoteaux's post as Jouëur de Fluste de la musique dechambre.
15.This scrumptious sampler includes a shareable platter of Applebees Boneless Chicken Chunks,Onion Rings, Chicken Nacho Grande, and our Shrimp Quesadilla.
16.Tanto los espacios interiores como los espacios exteriores fueron dise?ados con hormigón a la vista, mientras que grandes pa?os vidriados fueron colocados enfrentando la vista hacia la costa.