5.the proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is rising.
6.Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.
7.whether the temperature rise was mainly due to the greenhouse effect was a moot point .
8.Proper Use and Maintenance of Greenhouse and Equipment——Is Pure Water the Ideal Irrigative Water?
9.In this paper,the harm of fogdrop of polyethylene greenhouse film,the research statu of antidripping and antifogging agent have been introduced systematically.
10.Because of water's latent heat capacity, a tubful of water placed in a greenhouse on a night of freezing cold will act as a reserve supply of heat.
11.The effects of undecomposable organic materials mixed with biopreparate on the physical and chemical properties of continuous cropping greenhouse soil were studied.
12.Abstract :The Cretaceous greenhouse climate and paleoceanography is one of hot topics in the Earth sciences during the past twenty years.
提要: 白垩纪典型的“温室”和海洋一直是地学界关注的焦点之一。
13.By potting under greenhouse conditions, compared with prometryn and atrazine, the security of terbuthylazine to cotton, maize and peanut was studied.
14.Results showed that western lygus bugs, Lygus hesperus (Knight), were attracted to UV light traps in laboratory and greenhouse studies.
15.Thermokarst failures occur when permafrost—a layer of frozen soil in Earth's polar regions—thaws and becomes unstable, possibly releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.