The life forms of most of the plants belong to the hemicryptophyte which forms 40%, the geophyte 29%, and the hemicryptophyte-geophyte 15%.
The life forms of most of the plants belong to the hemicryptophyte which forms 40%, the geophyte 29%, and the hemicryptophyte-geophyte 15%.
The life forms of most plants belong to hemicryptophyte which are 42% then geophyte are 26% and hemicrypto-geophyte are 9%.
Results indicate that phanerophyte is the dominant synusia in the shrub layer and hemicryptophyte in the herbage layer, and Selaginella is the only species on the forest floor.
Among the life form plants ,the hemicryptophyte amounts to 43% of the total, the geophyte and the therophyte each makes up 15%, and the hemicrypto-geophyte takes up 12%.