2.holders of voting rights must disclose their interests.
3.macramé holders for plants; macramé work.
4.Spherical gas holders, cryogenic tank, unites de transport reservoirs de stockage.
5.Based on game theory,this paper analyses behavior strategies of the negotiable-stocks holders and nonnegotiable-stocks holders in the course of rights-issues for their different value orientation.
6.Exchange control restricts the right of holders of a currency to exchange it for other currencies.It thereby renders a currency inconvertible.
7.During this period nontrade creditors, like bank debt and bond holders, languish in uncertainty as to what will happen to their investment.
8.A tax advantage is also available to holders of most depletive assets—those which are used up, or depleted, over a period of time—like oil, natural gas, uranium, or coal.
9.signature pads and mier readers;cash office equipment;service tracking terminal and printer;phone system;register flip charts/holders and all other related systems to customer processing.