2.Humic acid had significant photosensitization on tetramethrin,and itsphotosensitization increased rapidly as the humic acid concentration increased.
3.Humic acid is a kind of organic matter with high molecular quantity and satisfactory biological activity, and there are abundant humic acid in airslake-coal.
4.Azomethine H Spectrophotometric Method for Determining Boron in Humic Fertilizer is described.
5.Resinite is a rich n1aceral in Teriary humic coal,boghead-cannel coal and oil shale fromHuangxian Coalfield.
6.Humic acid (HA ) was abstracted from leonardite,and a composite superabsorbent (HA PSA ) was prepared by compounding poly (acrylic acid ) and lignitic humic acid.
7.As a result, the method of using airslake-coal to produce potassium fertilizer including humic acid was varied with different crops.
8.Experiments show that causticizing by adding a small quantity of slaked lime can eliminate the interference of carbonate ions and humic acid salts.
9.The new methods mainly contain the adsorption of natural materials, modification materials, humic acids, biosorption, quod of silicon micro encapsulization and nanotechnology.
10.The sapropel-type organic matter evolution need higher temperature and biger depth and its main gas generating zone is deeper than humic-type organic matter's.