2.The hydrocarbon geochemical anomalies in the Haijiao Uplift and the ZhejiangFujian Upfold are the result of upwards seepage of hydrocarbon in the deep preCenozoic sedimentary basin.
3.benzenoid system) and coronoid systems are the natural representations of the skeletons of molecules of benzenoid hydrocarbons and coronoid hydrocarbons in the field of organic chemistry.
4.The transferred heat may pyrolyze at least some hydrocarbons in the formation.
5.Hydrous desmocollinite and exinite in coal are the principal material for hydrocarbon generation.
6.Nitryl aromatic hydrocarbon affect environment and human health mainly by waste water, dust and smoke.
7.chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, eg chlorobenzene, fluorobenzene, chloronaphthalene and bromonaphthalene;
8.The operation pressure of debutanizer was unstable since a light hydrocarbon recovery unit had been put into use.
9.the depocenter of hydrocarbon source rock such as coal and dark mudstone is situated in the Xinxian sunken in the south of the study area;
10.The episodic flow of hydrocarbon migration and all geofluid and the episodic action of crust structure are complementary to each other and mutually determined.
11.Volumes of various group composition were calculated by using addible RI of hydrocarbon mixtute, th...
12.Volumes of various group composition were calculated by using addible RI of hydrocarbon mixtute, then their volume percentage was determinded.
13.The main hydrocarbon-generating macerals in the source rocks of the coal measures are exinite, alginite and desmocollinite.Organic matter is dominantly of type III kerogen.
14.a waxy mineral that is a mixture of hydrocarbons and occurs in association with petroleum; some varieties are used in making ceresin and candles.
15.Rich hydrocarbon accumulation area is usually associated with structure-lithology trap, fault trap and lentoid sand trap.
16.A further problem arises, particularly, in the use of chlorinated hydrocarbons, because of their susceptibility to biomagnification.
17."The increased accessibility of the enormous hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic region is changing the geostrategic dynamics of the region.
18.The result indicates that the main metabolic product of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation is acetic acid and surface active agent of glycolipid composed of fatty acid and rhamnose.
19.In the whole process of forming hydrocarbon, there exist the joining and removal of hydrogen or oxygen atom and heteroatom from the beginning to end.
20.The function of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in photochemical smog formation and the formative process of ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate are discussed.