5.the book is a hymn to the glories of the English public school.
6.hymns that inspire the congregation; an artist who was inspired by Impressionism.
7.That hymn of the angels which he had heard in the middle of the night, was the nuns chanting matins;
8.We really need to make sure we are all singing from the same hymn sheet before the press conference.
9.Psalm 118 is a hymn of thanksgiving for the wonderful deliverance that God gave His people and as such it is a fitting conclusion to the "Hallel Psalms".
10.Advanced Study of the psalmody, hymnody, and worship traditions of the Church, practical exercises in the use of the hymn, planning and conducting various types of services, and field trips.
11.The Danes introduced oompah bands, much intoning of hymns and a rural Nordic folk habit of singing jolly stories to each other.
12.We ended that meeting with the hymn titled “Christian Hearts, in Love United In Love”(Hymnary #696), as our prayer request to the Lord and encouragement to one another.