5.The then current concept of heredity through pangenesis implied a blending process.
6.the forecasted traffic increase implied more roads and more air pollution.
7.single direction kind agentive case (with the implied matter) + marriage;
8.By declaring him sane, the jury implied that he had a moral sense.
陪审团宣称神志清醒, 有辨明非的能力。
9.a book that is difficult (or hard ) to find. Difficult, however, is often preferable where the need for skill or ingenuity is implied:
很难找的一本书(或 hard ) 。 然而Difficult一词在需要技术独创性的情况下,常会被使用:
10.His tone implied disapproval.See Synonyms at suggest See Usage Note at infer
的语调显示出的不同意参见 suggest 参见 infer
11.According to the confluction between part of speech and the implied keywords of the title,combined the subject and contend,to extract the keywords and Abstract.
12.An implied warranty that the goods are merchantable is imposed only on a merchant who deals in the kind of goods sold.
13.The linear relationship of i(p) was consistent with the theoretical result, which implied that the MPI process of CS_2 is an unimolecular reaction.
14.Conclusion The results implied that 7-NI had protective effects during the early focal cerebral ischemia in micropathology.
15.When the mayor said that she would not rule out a business tax increase, she implied (not inferred ) that some taxes might be raised.
当市长说她不排除商业税增涨的可能性时,她暗(不 inferred ) 可能要提高某些税收。
16.The abnormal growth rate appeared when daily ration was below 3.30% of body weight,implied that Japanese halfbeak may get other food resources besides supplied net zooplankton.
17.Implied in the failure of Sun Wukong in sanfuing the welkin and his being conferred as Warring and Winning Buddha is the philosophical reflection about the luciferous life course.
18.He believed that Scripture contained many implied meanings in addition to its overt meaning, and he regarded written law (Torah) and oral law (Halakah) as ultimately one.