1.Cupping A treatment inducing local decongestion by a heated cup made of bamboo, porcelain or glass being placed on the body.
2.The fossa of Landzert, present in about 2% of autopsies, is recognized as inducing left paraduodenal hernia (PDH).
3.But absorbing superabundance copper can lead to copper toxicity, inducing arrhythmia, even renal failure, uraemia, and shock.
4.Antitranspirant A chemical that reduces transpiration. Antitranspirants may work by depositing a waterproof film over the stomata or by inducing stomatal closure.
5.The electro-magnetic microgenerator utilizes a moving magnet or coil for inducing an alternating electric current in a circuit.
6.Autoxidation of lipids is a chain raction of free radical.In the inducing stage,the inducers switching on free radical may be lipoxygenase or photoxidation,but the most is transitional metals.
7.Hilario shrugged off the rank implausibility of his situation, ignored the wince-inducing pressure and waded straight into the deep end, which has got to take some guts.