2.he immediately inserted a clause into later contracts.
3.a notice has been inserted in the Journal.
4.He inserted the key in the lock but could not open the door.
5.He inserted a cassette into the machine.
6.the muscle that raises the wing is inserted on the dorsal surface of the humerus.
7.inserted the key in the lock.See Synonyms at introduce
把钥匙插到锁里参见 introduce
8.Stamens 5 to numerous, free or inserted in perigone tube.
9.if a knife inserted into the centre comes out clean, then your pie is done.
10.Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at middle of corolla tube, slightly exserted.
11.Historically there was no letter “l” in the word “could”; it was inserted by analogy with “would”.
在历史上, could一词中没有字母l; 那是按照would一词类推而加上去
12.A detailed street plan of the city is inserted in a corner of the area map.
13.Carpels many, rarely few, inserted on convex torus, each carpel becoming a drupelet or drupaceous achene;
14.Episome is an additional genetic element that can exist either as an autonomous entity or be inserted into the continuity of the chromosome of a host cell.
15.About six months after the denture is inserted, I'll have to reline or remake it, because the gums will shrink and the denture will become loose.
16.The incidence face side of the claviform lens is used as a front end, and inserted into the first cylinder and fixed.
17.Epigyny The type of flower structure in which the perianth and androecium are inserted above the gynoecium, giving an inferior ovary, fused with the receptacle.
18.Purpose:To study the effectiveness of inserting central venous catheter was inserted into pericardial cavity for the drainage and treatment of lung cancer hydropericardium.
19.The laser beam, inserted into the hypoderma by means of the cannula,affects the adipocytes and surrounding tissues.
20.When a microfloppy is inserted into the disk drive, the shutter is opened automatically when the diskette is accessed.