4.Inverted flight is an acrobatic maneuvre of the plane.
5.inverted commas (=quotation-marks)
引号(即‘ ’或“ ”)
6.He inverted the glass and the water ran out.
他将杯子转, 水流了出来。
7.The manager showed us to our ‘luxury apartment’, in inverted commas.
8.Purpose: To report two cases of rare primary lacrimal sac tumor-one of inverted papilloma and the other of hemangiopericytoma.
9.A concave mirror would project a real inverted image of the silverpoint onto the panel, which van Eyck would trace.
10.In case 6, the heart looks "inverted" compared to normal (Figure 8). This phenomenon is called dextrocardia, and it results from a looping anomaly during embryologic development.
11.?In each group, by an inverted phase contrast microscope, cells presented with long spindle-shaped fibrocyte-like adherent growth, but no remarkable morphological changes were found.