1.their intimate involvement with their community.
2.LCIS with pagetoid involvement of duct.
3.He was found to have a deep involvement in drug dealing.
4.physicists may not be fitted for involvement in industrial processes.
5.they were questioned about their involvement in irregular financial dealings.
6.He encourages parental involvement in the running of school.
7.he was imprisoned for his involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.
8.at first the Americans tried to restrict news of their involvement in Vietnam.
9.He has tried to play down his involvement in the affair.
10.He issued a very strongly worded statement denying any involvement in the plot.
11.Her husband’s involvement with another woman led to their divorce.
12.Conclusions: The abnormal distribution of NGFR in the aganglionic choledochal suggests involvement of NGFR in the CCC.
13.He is serving a 15-year sentence for his alleged involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.
他被指称参颠覆政府的阴谋而被判处15 年监禁,现在正在服刑。
14.Edward W.Said argued that the positive involvement in the real politick and social practices was the paramount feature of being an intellectual;
15.Therefore, this is a case report of hydroa vacciniforme-like primary cutaneous NK/T-cell lymphoma with primary involvement in the skin;the condition was slowly progressive over 51 months.
16.Of the 23 eyes with optic disc coloboma, the choroidal involvement was seen in 21 eyes and microphthalmia was present in 12 eyes.
17.Primary mediastinal germ-cell tumors (GCTs) without gonadal involvement are rare and can be divided into benign mature teratoma and malignant seminoma or nonseminoma.
18.This has led to my involvement with the beginnings of language, early man made marks and the Ogham and Bardic Alphabets.
19.The idea of doing a play on Canada's involvement in World War II was conceived by Heinar Piller while I was the resident playwright at Theatre London.
20.Results The CT features involved mainly muscular atrophy, hypo - density, selective involvement, muscular hypertrophy and pseudohypertrophy.